Monday, April 30, 2012


The world is getting sophisticated. Sophistication it seems is the new fashion..many years earlier it used to be simplicity.

People earlier used to prove(read project) themselves simple. They took the pride in being simple. Simplicity is somehow in many sense is connected to natural......well it seems so. On that line Sophistication seems to be linked with artificial.

I mean look around yourself......Nature always represents its process as simple......but the artificial definition we try to bring out is sophisticated. The simpler the process the more sophisticated is the reason behind it. Example would be like it's very simple and rather natural that a guy falls in love with a girl or vice-versa. Now why?? and the reasons could be mindlessly would travel and include all the fields. The answer to it will take you into deep biology, strange chemistry, little philosophy, somewhat history, without doubt sociology and much much more and when you try to synchronize all that its shitty business.

A rather simple thing became complex for no good reason. Human have tendencies to search for answer and this in many ways and without doubt is the core reason for our progress. It has been a boon to humanity in terms of science, discovery and thousand more fields.

But do we really need to make it a habit to sophisticate things? Can't we just make things simple just as it is? I mean do we really need to find the reason behind every mundane things? Let's even not mundane things then harmless things. Does analyzing, scrutinizing and hence judging has gone deep into our bones? So much of so that we started applying it on humans.

Every lowly asshole starts analyzing some great personality with whatever bits and pieces of knowledge he/she has got. Every other day I heard someone demeaning Gandhi or other Greats, questioning his tactics, way of working. People who don't have the courage to stand against some visible malfunctioning of Government system. People who would silently pass with the none-of-my-business capsules if there is some wrong-doing is happening right in front of himself, they judge historical greats on moral and ethical ground. they question the character of people who with their strength did what others found impossible. Somehow I feel a critics thrives on the hard work of others....Alright the previous line is taken from the animation movie "Ratatouille"........Still it makes much sense to me.

People are so quick to blame and demands the sacking of cricketer, footballer or players. Whereas it's quite obvious that those people wont be able to execute what he expects the players to execute. He is relieved subconsciously that no one is going to ask or question about his/her personal life. He has the blessing that no one is interested in him. Hence he feels quite free to use his index and sometime middle finger on someone who don't have the luxury of not being famous.

Actually we strayed.....the topic was about sophistication as the new "in" things. Everyone seems to be toiling hard enough to prove his character and/or thinking sophisticates. People follow a sophisticated lifestyle. They behave complex on purpose it seems because it purports him/her as a unique mystery. It makes him/her interesting. Deep down he/she is barren and vacant and too ordinary. The outside effort is more to balance this inner void. Does he succeed? yes he does. Now how he succeed? that's an interesting question, answer I have already provided. Can you guess??

(Take your time here with slow deep breathes)

because people are there to analyze and scrutinize him. We have made a habit of analyzing other person. those analysis are based on mostly external behavior which the person has already transformed into sophistication and the analyzer since is analyzing things which is on purpose sophisticized, is most likely to short on logic to define the person's personality and that is how he finds him interesting, because he wasn't able to simplify the behavior. If his behavior would have been rather simple, the analyzer would have well categorized him in his pre-defined and self-defined categories and have not worried much about him.

So is it good or bad? When someone asks me if it is good or bad my obvious question is - if it's bad, can you stop it?? If not then it doesn't matter if it's good or bad. why to bother about good or bad?

Is there any alternatives? well I first thought that if you connect to the person and then analyze him/her your analysis will have better penetration and you would be able to see if the sophistication is genuine (it's not mostly) or It is worn. But its ideal coz if the person has put a sophisticated interface for himself it is unlikely that he would let you connect to his inner integrity easily. He fear that if you come to know his inside lull and very ordinary personality, he would be exposed. Which he won't want.

*Started feeling sleepy*

 I hate to bring out a conclusion on this matter. I just wanted to represent a view. And I guess the motive has been fulfilled.

You can tell in comments how sophisticated you are or how simple you are or do you put an effort to be something which you aren't truly inside?

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