Monday, September 24, 2012

Our brains out of our hand.

I am inspired and charged. why?  read a few of my old post and suddenly it stuck me I have got to write, though i have lots of work today(it's Monday 2AM).

the question against me is always what to write...i am putting conscious effort not to write about politics, religion etc. But I will someday.

I want to write about something which I myself haven't noticed till now. I am not joking and it's too much evident for me that I write best when I am hurt, sad, angry or disappointed. Yes those are negative traits but they brings the best out of me without fail when it comes to writing. Now how can I say I write good in those scenario? How can I judge my own scripture? But if I can that's my judgement. It's more of an observation than judgement.

One thing I can write anytime is about girls, there is much to write, when I start thinking how or why I get attracted to me...i can go on writing. But I don't want to be a typecasted writer. :)

So moving on (wished I didn't have to move on from aforementioned topic).

Okay I got it....what to write about.

The source is some small videos i saw today. It was about logic and pattern. Nopes it's not as boring or maybe it is.

So here I start, Do you know our mind search for patterns amongst almost everything and i feel now that this somehow is the foundation of our being keen, enthusiast, sharp on the positive side and finicky, superstitious and racist on the negative side. Racist is a very strong word let's say racist without prejudice.

I feel it's beautiful how our brain is programmed to match things, synchronize things, look for meaning from anything and everything. Whenever we see a thing our brain first and foremost action is to search for if we have seen the same or similar things earlier not, this is a process well known recognizing. Oh that's my bag/shoes/towel/father feeling is the effect of that process.

I think when our brain in the process of finding that if we have already seen or felt the same or similar things and even after looking deeper in memory it is not sure then that's the stage of something similar to 'deja vu'. I have always believed that if you would try very hard to remember something which you have not seen then many a time your brain will subterfuge an image of what you want to see to soothe your desire to see. Try to force yourself to remember something which you have never seen before and soon you will start seeing false images in your brain.

It's scary to know that our brain cheats us many a times. We control our brain or our brain controls us? I am not sure but  much of ourselves is controlled by our brain. Yes what we call (desire of) heart is actually a part of brain itself we refer it our heart because heart movement varies much according to our desires for example if a very beautiful girl comes too near then our heart start beating faster and mind wants her so we conclude that "my heart wants her".

Not straying from the topic therefore (my heart want to talk about her). Our mind takes all possible evidence and tries to make sense out of that. Think of a suspense thriller and watched the suspense was the part your brain couldn't guess and that's why it was thrilled when the suspense uncovered and if you guessed the suspense agree with me that it wasn't really a thriller since you knew things beforehand.

We all know that magic is nothing but trickery, presentation and science synchronized together to amuse us. I remember one magician interview in which he said that whenever viewer watches magic shows their brains are programmed in such a way that they start having endless guessing in their mind as how the magic was possible it somehow gives the magician to pull off his trick because viewers minds are already in the process of searching and deciphering the trick. In that deep process obvious reasons are ignored and that's what magician encash upon.

How you felt when you got to know the trick behind some magic, you feels something in between "how cheap" and disappointed. you feel cheap because your brain was applying some strong logic and assumption but reality was much more simpler and same is the reason for being disappointed.

Cons are similar to magician only with evil intentions, it's not the cons that con us but it's our brain that fails you and perhaps that's why being conned is much more annoying and frustrating than being robbed.

Should I write more?

have you ever seen in clouds and searched for known figures and shapes? I bet you even found a few. Yes brain at work.

On the hindsight it looks a very beneficial and positive trait that our brain search for patterns and logic and reason in everything but it can and have mostly bad impact also. Here is how? (It's very important)

Since our brain always makes logic with available data we comes with our own theories. Have you ever heard people talking how their race/religion/clan/caste/language/literature is getting diminished/attacked/insulted ? their brain has come up with this theories based on a few incident. those few incidents had the same pattern and that's how brain comes out with those notion so much of so that it ignores the counter incidents. Now these people with such tendencies and notions becomes sort of separatist, hardliners, fundamentalist, haters etc. It gives rise to racist and hatred tendencies.

Think over it.(and don't try to find patterns in it, most likely your brain will come out with a pseudo-theory)

We as humans are better than our brains. Control it, force it for positive development. Never fall pray to your own brain. It would alienate you.

Next, let me think some better way to control our mind.


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