Thursday, March 1, 2012


It was a simple day, have some work but I thought not to start today, was not feeling like starting.
Since I have first to do some research and then have to develop hence I can kill time in the name of research, can't get out of limit but certainly a bit.

Today I tried to find out that why do I get nervous when some beautiful girl is against me?? Didn't find much of the answer but I realized that It happens with only those girls whom I find beautiful, If someone is very beautiful then I don't get nervous.

In my office there is 4 girls who can be considered beautiful, One of them is very beautiful and she could never make me feel nervous, I m okey infront of her, Other two are also beautiful but doesn't matter to me, But unfortunately there is one girl who is making me nervous, she is making me too conscious.

I have made myself believe that i can control such dynamism, I am no more a boy who one way or other can't control the excitement. I have to and can kill such potentially harmful attractions. Now I can see all this from a dimension different.

I can enjoy her beauty without the desire to touch her. I am assured.

Since beautiful girls know that they are beautiful they expects some exceptional to get attracted to, I think that will work for me too. With my passive behavior she wont be able to know anything, at best she may make a wild guess and that too is over estimating.

Since I lost my mobile, I havn't called my home, Today evening suddenly I got very bad vibes about my home and family as something real bad has happened and they are trying to contact me but hav no means.

It somehow compelled me to call to my mother, Nothing of that sort had happened, I was only sort of assuring that.

And as i am writing this I m feeling real sleepy, it's sure that as soon as I end this, I will shut down the system and would sleep.

Let's see what tomorrow have in store.

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